Christ Church, Heaton

Office Tel: 01204 492169

Rev Dave Thompson (Vicar) Tel: 01204 748251

Holly Bonfield (Churchwarden) Tel: 07961 422523

Irene Morris (Churchwarden) Tel: 01204 846904 


OThe Chancelur Usual Service Pattern  - All Welcome


First Sunday of the Month

  9:30am    Family Communion (CW)


Second Sunday of the Month 

  8:00am    Holy Communion (BCP)

  9:30am    Family Communion & Parade service (CW)

  6:30pm    Choral Evensong (BCP)


Third Sunday of the Month

  9:30am    Family Communion (CW)


Fourth Sunday of the Month

  9:30am    Family Communion (CW)

  6:30pm    Choral Evensong (BCP)


Fifth Sunday of the Month

  9:30am    Family Communion (CW)



10.30am  Holy Communion in Parish Centre (CW)


Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays

  9am    Morning Prayer





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