Christ Church, Heaton

Office Tel: 01204 492169

Rev Dave Thompson (Vicar) Tel: 01204 748251

Holly Bonfield (Churchwarden) Tel: 07961 422523

Irene Morris (Churchwarden) Tel: 01204 846904 

Sermon Notes

Isaiah 50: 4-9a

Mark 8: 27-end 

We’ve all had moments where we recognise someone but don’t know where from. Jesus asks the disciples who people say that he is. And then asks who they say that he is. Are the answers that Jesus hears the ones that he wanted? Jesus asks the disciples not to tell people that he is the messiah. The journey that Jesus goes on is very different to the journey that Jews expected the messiah to go on. Jesus suffered. The disciples realised who he was but Jesus wasn’t in a situation to reveal himself to other people yet. Each of us in our own way must answer the question, who is Jesus?


Deuteronomy 4: 1-2, 6-9

Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23 

We are all here we Gods people. We come together despite our differences for one common thing; Christian beliefs. God is here. We are here to offer praise and prayer. Come to church with open hearts and prepare to receive the Holy Spirit into our lives. You must open doors to see what’s inside. So we need open hearts to receive the love of God. Silence is good. It’s needed to have a quiet moment. In all situations the Holy Spirit wants to teach us something and fill us with love


Jeremiah 23: 1-6

Mark 6: 30-34, 53-end

It’s not easy when you’re used to rushing around to be told to rest and take head if that advice.Sometimes we fail to see the benefit of rest until we’re forced to take that action. The disciples had been extremely busy rushing about and they told Jesus about all they had done. Jesus told them to come away to a deserted place by themselves and rest. The disciples had been so busy they didn’t even have time to eat. Jesus was often known to go away to deserted places alone. This has been referred to by the Radical unavailability of Jesus. He went away to refresh after being constantly bombsrded by people. Time off is needed. As we approach the school holidays there will be many families going away. An opportunity to take time away. This can also be the most stressful time for families, but refreshment is important. Do you have a specific place you can go to to pray? A special place to spend time alone with God? Whatever you do during the day, ensure you spend time with your Heavenly Father. Seek prayer, rest and refreshment as a priority. If Jesus relied on rest and prayer; how much should we?



Prophets are not without honour expect in their home town. Sowmtiems its hard to preach the gospel to people we know and where people have known us. Jesus doesn’t see this as a negative and he goes to other villages teaching. He sends the disciples out two by two so preach the gospel and instructs them on what to do, wear and behave. This expedition is successful; they heal the sick and quieten the stormy seas. Some people saw Jesus as an ordinary man with a past, however this is with earthly eyes. With faith he is seen as the son of God. Sometimes we let our past be a hindrance to us and allow what we’ve done in the past bring us down. The past is a foreign country. Our past is forgiven by the father. Let us look forward and move on. Take our faith in Jesus as the promised messiah and allow him to guide us


Ezekiel 17: 22-end

Mark 4: 26-34

What’s true of plants is true for human. Just as plants grow; we grow. But how do we grow? Plants need water, sun light and good soil. Jesus says that’s what the kingdom of God is like; no matter if the farmer sleeps or is awake, the seed always grows.  But our growth isn't just physical. We can also grow spiritually and grow in our knowledge as God. Faith starts as a little seed and grows stronger as our relationship with God grows stronger. We’re all at different stages of our faith (small plant or mature plant) We may not understand how we grow spiritually just as we don’t fully understand plants and humans growing. However there is evidence of this and we can see it happening. Our words prayers and actions have a profound effect on others and their spiritual growth. But how can we grow spiritually? Read books. The bible. Speak to others. Pray. Ultimately it’s God who grows our faith. Spend time with God each day and seek to grow. Faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. A book recommendation that can help in your spiritual growth is "The air we breathe" by Glen Scrivener



Deutrenomany 5: 12-15

Mark 2:23 - 3:6

What can we and can’t we do on a sabbath? We need to eat and drink so what harm is it for the disciples to be picking and eating corn on the sabbath day in the book of Mark? Jesus didn’t mind them doing this but the Pharisees did. But Jesus goes against the grain, it’s his character. He ate the with the lowest of the lows and encourages us to share food with one another . We also think about, is it wrong for people to work on sabbath? Jesus worked on the sabbath by performing a healings and miracles. Our NHS is open 24/7. Where would we be if these people didn’t work. Like Jesus they heal on the sabbath. Unlike in the bible, work and shift patters are different to what they used to be even 20 years ago. Keeping the sabbath free of work is wrong. However what we should turn our mind to is keeping time aside everyday to pray to and worship the Lord.



Isaiah 6: 1-8

John 3: 1-17

These passages teach us abou the Holy Trinity; The Son, The Father and The Holy Spirit. There is no definietion in the bible of the 'trinity' as this is a doctrine that the Church devisied and so it can often be something that we find incomprehesnible and difficult to understand. But this is okay! as Christian's even if it is eomthing we don't understand, we must accept. We can look at the trinity as water to undersand it's different form. Water can be ice, steam and water. They are all the same element but can come in different forms. All three forms are holy. In Isaiah 6: 1-8 it says "The wind blows where it chooses and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from and where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the spirit". The Holy spirirt although invisable and unpredicatbale is extremely powerful. God is our Creator, Jesus is our Saviour and the Holy Spirit is our Helper. 

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